OS Upgrades, Migrations

OS Upgrades, Migrations & Support Services in Singapore

Imagine when a pool of experienced and skilled independent system administrators are monitoring as well as managing your applications round the clock. Operating System upgrades are usual and frequent phenomena today and reputed IT Desktop Support providers are always prepared with how to handle such upgrades seamlessly for their clients.

Typically, operating system updates are released whenever the software and operating systems are upgraded. IT Desktop Support providers work with their clients to establish opportune times for implementing them. These service providers hire a skilled team of engineers who can perform such updates effectively while ensuring that there is no or negligible service interruption and also making sure that there is no violation to the compliance levels required by your business.


Outsourcing migration for a business

Today’s digital world has updates and features occurring almost regularly. Hence, it needs a distinct focus and mindset for managing such updates appropriately and more importantly to leverage the capabilities of the updated applications. The ideal technique to accomplish this task is to choose a good service provider who has a vast experience to perform such migrations and provide continuous management and IT support. It will also make sure that your business embraces and utilizes all the new functions and feature offered productively and efficiently.

Here are some reasons why you should contemplate outsourcing tasks like migration to an independent vendor and why it is more beneficial for your business:


1. Superior quality

When you attempt to undertake an endeavor like migration for your business, there is a possibility of missing out certain key characteristics. An independent 3rd party provider, on the other hand, has the necessary experience and expertise to do a complete migration successfully, bringing over the entire settings, personalization items, and data into the new system. There is negligible or practically no loss in the productivity when the migration is smooth. On the other hand, if migration is done internally and it is less than perfect, users have to edit their settings again, thus impacting the productivity negatively.


2. High experience level

In-house IT employees are likely to have limited experience while conducting these migrations as opposed to independent vendors who are specialized in this task. When you outsource the migrations, you can be assured that your task is in the hand of experienced professionals typically hired by the support provider.


3. Increased productivity of IT staff

If a company migrates to a higher version of an application using their own in-house staff, these employees are hardly available for other jobs. For instance, if the migration takes 40 hours to complete and you have just one IT employee to handle that, he or she will not be free for one entire week. On the other hand, if the same task is outsourced, the employee can be used for other crucial work.


4. Reduced employee cost

You need not hire dedicated IT employees for accomplishing tasks like migration when you decide to opt for outsourcing. Thus, you can reduce the burden of your payroll system while not compromising on the work quality.